Security Department Duties

Section I > Duties

Members of the Security Department have a multitude of active duties that they have at their disposal.


The Security Department is primarily responsible for guarding the Class-D Containment Zone; otherwise known as the CDC, and suppressing any attempts of Class-D riots. This will be where the Security Department will always be. While Guarding the Class-D Containment zone, there should always be a minimum of eight Security Department members stationed there at all times. Positioning on where to stand in the Class-D Containment zone is not fixed, but members should spread themselves out in an orderly fashion.

SD Security Guard+ have the authority to recall all Base SD who are in positions outside of CDC into the CDC to reinforce it. MP and SRU are exempt from this and follow their own guidelines or discretion.

Security Cadets are authed as long as a Security Guard+ deems necessary.

Security Cadets are required to station themselves either in the Trams Stations or Clean Rooms. They may also guard S.H.U.

Other Security Department members can station themselves there if the CDC is stable.

Site Patrolling

Once the Class-D containment zone has been staffed with a ratio of at least 1 SD to every 3 Class-Ds, Security Department personnel may begin patrolling the site in search of any hostile threats or escaped Class-D personnel.

While members of the Security Department are free to patrol mostly all areas, the same restrictions as listed in On-Site Guidelines still apply. When patrolling, members of the Security Department are subject to the authority of the bodies responsible for the general safety of the area. The authority for each zone is laid out below;

*Exceptions to this authority include: Delta-1 “Gatekeepers” Guarding a VIP in the zone.

Security Department personnel are still expected to follow the chain of command, regardless of area.

While patrolling, Security Department personnel are expected to not be idling for extended periods of time, instead they should be patrolling key areas or vantage points around the area.


The Security Department is responsible for escorting tests, check-ups, interviews and Janitorial Escorts. During all escorts, SD of any rank cannot disobey the 1:2 rule or attempt to replace ethical Security members who copied the test.

For escorting to be allowed, a Security Guard+ is needed to deem the CDC stable enough. Members ranking higher than the individual and SRU Agents are allowed to veto the call and say that CDC is unstable.

All tests must be copied to unless any of the following are true:

While escorting you are NOT to leave the Class-Ds unattended at any point during the test.

The video may NOT be used outside of event escorting; whether this be a janitorial escort or test escort. 

The testing hierarchy is as follows:

Security Department > Military Police > Security Response Unit > Lambda-7

Should a unit of a higher priority be unable to escort an event, the next highest group will be responsible for escorting the event.

After going to the Cleanrooms

If Military Police are not present at the CR checkpoint, the scientist should request, if they do not respond Base SD will take over.

If going to the LCZ or MCZ

If Eta-9 are not present at the checkpoint, request in radio and wait. No test in the Medium Containment Zone can go ahead without Eta-9 being present.

Example Briefs:

Cleanrooms Brief Example:

By passing this checkpoint, you agree to the following conditions:

Listen up as I will only say this once!

From this point onwards you are now under the authority of the Security Department.

You agree to be stripped of all weaponry prior to entry into the Cleanrooms.

You agree to abide by any and all orders issued by escorting Military Police personnel.

Test subjects who ignore given orders will be terminated after one verbal warning.

Do all test participants agree to these conditions?

Interviews/On-Site Tours

Different departments will have the opportunity to conduct either interviews or on-site tours with Class-Ds in either the CDCZ or in designated locations. The Ethics Committee and Department of External Affairs will be the only department at this moment in time that can conduct either. The process for these will still be the same as if it were a test, security will escort the Class-Ds while following the Committee members and return the Class-Ds once the event has concluded.

Medical Checkup Escort

The Security Department will be responsible for escorting Class-Ds for a check-up, It should be known that Class-Ds have the right to a check-up and cannot be denied unless alarms are sounding or the CDCZ is understaffed.

Additionally, the Medical Department can request for Class-D volunteers at the Medical Bay located outside of the inner Class-D Containment Zone. Security Department personnel should brief Class-Ds as normal and escort them to the requesting Medical Department member. Security Department personnel are permitted to leave the Class-D if there is a Military Police actively stationed at the Medical Bay. Only One Security Department member is required to be stationed there if CD's are present. 

  Maintaining Points of Interest

The site as a whole requires a consistent combative presence to ensure smooth operations. Across the site, Security Personnel can find things such as Reception Desks, Checkpoints, and Booths to station at if they so choose. There is no specific hierarchy to these duties, and Security Personnel may take any of these positions if they choose, however it is advised that they split themselves up evenly. 

Any rank, including Security Cadet, may take up these duties if they so choose. 

Reception Duty involves the stationing of SD across the various reception counters found around the site. Security Personnel can find these counters throughout the site with key areas being the Class-D Containment Zone and the Civil sector. While conducting this duty you are to watchout for any hostiles that may come across the area as well as help the community from things such as directions to areas and how to do a certain task. It is your duty as a Security Department member to help them to the best of your ability.

Security Personnel may perform this duty if:

Cleanrooms involves the stationing of SD at the Hamilton Office Complex's Cleanrooms. This area can currently be found in the Civil Sector.  Security Personnel may enter Loading Bay freely while performing this duty. Chambers must have valid reasoning to do so.

Security Personnel may perform this duty if: