Security Cadet Handbook
Section 1 > Introduction
This document is specifically detailed to new cadets of the Security Department. It will go over all the necessary information that cadets need to know in a more simplified manner.
This document may be referenced during orientation, so it is expected to have it opened.
Section 2 > Key Locations
Below are quick bullet points with pictures of certain locations around the site. This does not include every location, just ones that cadets need to know. Cadets are still expected to explore the site in the SD Private Server on their own time to get a better idea of the other locations.
Security Headquarters
The security headquarters is where all none division members of the Security Department spawn.
Inside of this area is Coach, the Security vendor. He will supply you with all the equipment that you may need to conduct your duties on-site.
There is also the firing range, head on over to improve your aim out of combat trainings.
The Security Garage is where you are able to spawn in vehicles used to drive around the site.
Emergency Breach Shelter
Should the civil sector be breached, the emergency shelter, will be used.
This follows the same rules as if it was the main blast door.
During lethal gas, SD should close the control room when 30 seconds is left before lethal gas is dispersed.
SD should maintain standard breach positions, located in the master guidelines.
Photo pending change!
Containment Zones
Beyond this area is the Containment Zones.
Only reasons to enter should be for testing or pursuing a hostile Class-D Subject.
This area is under the authority of Mobile Task Force, Eta-9 "Wardens."
Security Divisions regulations may differ on when entering this area.
Often abbreviated as "CR”;
This is where non sentient SCP tests are conducted;
Base SD may not enter unless escorting a test or terminating Hostiles that went inside and/or boxes are within.
If MP is not present at the checkpoint to brief, base SD will take over briefing.
Cleanrooms Loading Bay
Often abbreviated as "CRLB" or "LB"
This area is located within the Cleanrooms therefore is a key protected area
LB is where the SCP boxes are stored;
Loading Bay is usually where CDs go when attempting to escape.
Security Housing Unit(SHU)
DFSC stands for "Due for Solitary Confinement";
Once a CD has obtained 3 strikes, they are marked as DFSC. Once SD captures them, they are to be brought near the cells to receive a green uniform. They are to be released to the main CDCZ afterwards.
Once a CD has obtained 4 strikes, they should be left in a cell.(Usually done automatically)
Located within the Security Outpost of CDCZ
Transfer Gates
This is where Class-Ds are briefed before testing / janitorial duties;
SD should utilize the transfer gates, not the transfer doors, when taking Class-Ds. If possible, request for another SD to operate the gates;
Only one gate should be opened at a time.
Photo pending change!
CDCZ Guardline
This is where SD guards in the CDCZ;
Strike and Termination guidelines should be followed while present at the Guardline;
While there are no set positions, SD are encouraged to get behind some sort of cover. The Upper Scaffolding Area is prioritized for individuals who own long range weapons.
Viewing Area
Located in the Class-D Containment Zone;
This is right inside the Viewing Area;
SD positioned here should be ready to evacuate personnel in the event of a riot/breach;
SD positioned here also prevents hostages from being taken, allowing them to shoot any unauthorized CDs in here;
At maximum 2 SD may be positioned here.
Section 3 > Cadet Positions
During normal operations, Cadets should be positioned in these areas around the site. Cadets are not expected to stay in one location and may move freely to different positions or patrol around the site.
Cadets positioned in public areas may interact with Civil personnel and non-hostile SCPs. These interactions should be kept mature and respectful, regardless of whoever it is.
Tram Stations
Located in the Civil Sector and CDC Sector;
SD may be positioned on different pillars other than the ones in this picture;
At maximum 4 SD may be positioned in each Tram Station
Section 4 > SCP Interaction
In Paragon Research Institute, there are many SCPs that roam freely around the site. This should not raise any alarm so long as the SCP does not become hostile; in which MTF Eta-9 should be called to deal with it. Below are some regulations when interacting with any non-hostile SCPs:
Only interact with SCPs if they interact with you first
Maintain normal positions / patrols otherwise
Do not participate in crowding around the SCP
Interactions should not get in the way of duties / assignments
Interactions should be respectful and mature and should not in any way be used to entice the SCP into committing a malicious act
Do not attack any SCPs whatsoever
The only exception is SCP-662 “Mr. Deeds” when he starts attacking facility personnel or yourself
SCP-049-2 may not be shot at unless authorized by MTF Eta-9
Certain SCPs are usually guarded by either MTF Eta-9 or the Military Police, meaning they are able to exercise their authority to dismiss you. Maintain a reasonable distance away from the SCP.
For more information on certain SCPs, visit the Paragon Science Hub
Section 5 > Communication Etiquette
The list below are good communication etiquettes to follow while on-duty.
Use /Team for team chat to communicate with fellow members of SD.
The chat background color will be light blue when something is said in team chat.
Use /Combative for combative chat to communicate with SD & MTF.
The chat background color will be light green when something is said in combative chat.
Use /Whisper [Display name] to communicate with a Individual Member.
The chat background color will be yellow when something is said in whisper chat.
Pressing T will enable the radio. The microphone will be highlighted green when it is on.
Pressing H will hide the radio. Press H again to bring up the radio.
Use /e before your message to send the message without it appearing in chat. Useful for communicating over the radio.
Ex. /e 5 armed CDs in SL-4.
Refrain from using all caps when speaking, it’s unnecessary.
Abbreviate whenever possible. Effectively communicate by sending only crucial information.
Ex. Cleanrooms can be shortened to CR.
Ex. 5 CDs CR.
When speaking in public chat, use grammar. You are not expected to speak using perfect grammar, just enough to not seem incompetent.
Team chat does not require grammar
Do not be immature over public chat, especially in front of Class-Ds.
Send information to the appropriate radio channels. Do not communicate strategic information over staff radio, instead send it in the combative radio.
Section 6 > Cadet Program
The following will explain to cadets what the Cadet Program is and how to complete it in detail.
The Cadet Program is the first step of a newly inducted Cadet, the program is needed to be completed in order to advance further into the Security Department and get the rank of Junior.
The Cadet Program consists of 4 separate tasks.
The first and most important task consists of the Orientation, this will allow the Cadet access to the Security Department team and allow them to deploy on-site.
The second task consists of Generalized Trainings. There are four in total. Generalized Trainings consist of the following:
Riot Scenario Training,
General Site Operations Training,
SCP Interactions Training,
Combat Training,
At least one of these Generalized Trainings must be a Combat Training.
These trainings are used to give Security members more in-depth instructions and knowledge.
A Cadet is able to pick out one training and complete it.
The third step consists of 1 hour on-site, this task can only be completed after the first task has been completed.
And the final step, after all the previous tasks have been completed, is the Cadet Final Exam. This exam is a basic knowledge test that will test to see if you have acquired the basic knowledge a Security member needs to have.
110/130 points are needed to pass this exam.
Task 2 can be completed without having done task 1 first.
Task 1,2, and 3 are to be logged in #database_reports under the [SD] UTILITY category in the discord.
Task 4 is to be requested for in #promotion_requests. After the completion of your exam, you are to send a promotion request in #promotion_requests which can be found under [SD] Utilities in the discord.
Section 7 > Miscellaneous
Use /google link to link your Google account with Terminal;
This is particularly important if you wish to achieve SD command or enter into any detachment.
Report any misconduct to a member of SD Command. Do not participate in misconduct yourself.
Run /activity to view your total time on-site.