
A complete list of all Public 

Security Department Documents

On-Site Guidelines 

The On-Site Guidelines aim to teach all information which will be of use to Security Department members as they perform their daily tasks.

Cadet Handbook

The Security Cadet document is specifically tailored to new Security Cadets, and as such, it goes over all necessary information Cadets need to know in a simple manner.

Public Database

The Security Department database contains every current member of the Security Department and tracks their progress towards promotions. The databse also holds relevant tracking information for Security Department members.

Solitary and Termination Criteria

This document provides insight into what a Class-D can and cannot do while in the CDCZ or participating in a test/check-up. All Security Department members are required to abide by this document at all times.

Global Raid Regulations

The Global Raid Regulations is a universal legislative document that is bound to both the Foundation and Hostile Forces, it sets baseline rules and regulations for raid participants that must be abided during any form of raid. 

Universal Hostage Regulations

The Universal Hostage Regulations are designed to ensure the safety of Foundation Personnel who have been taken hostage, as well as ensure the integrity of negotiations within Paragon.

Training Handbook

The Security Department Training Document outlines what trainings can be hosted as well as the rules and expectations for all Security Department members when attending trainings.

Legislative Powers Act

The Legislative Powers Act outlines the authority of certain aspects of the foundation.

Military Police Guidelines

The Military Police guidelines are what aid Constables on how to effectively perform their duties on the field. This document contains all duties, expectations, and responsibilities the Military Police hold.

Security Response Unit Guidelines

The Security Response Unit guidelines are what the Security Response Unit members reference when dealing with high intensity situations that they encounter on-site. This document contains all responsibilites and regulations the Security Response Unit hold.

SRU Probationary Guidelines

The Security Response Unit's Probationary Guidelines is what the SRU members refer to when going through the Probationary Phase.

SRU Situational Handbook

The Security Response Unit's Situational Response Handbook is what the SRU members refer to when dealing with out of the Ordinary Situations. 

SRU Database

The Security Response Unit's Database contains all Information relating to SRU's rank progression.