Frequently Asked Questions
Security Department FAQ
What is the Security Academy and when can I enter it?
The Security Academy is a general trial to see which Security members have the required skills to progress to a command rank. Security Command will notify Security Seniors when they're able to apply for the Security Academy.
Can I use my previous hours for requirements if I leave and rejoin the Security Department?
If you leave and rejoin the Security Department, you'll have to start from scratch.
What is the Rewards System?
The Rewards System is something exclusive to Security Command, it rewards Security Command members for doing their daily tasks, these rewards range from obtaining certain weapons to creating mass unethical tests.
I accidentally left an SD Roblox Group/Discord Server, am I able to receive another invite back in?
No, the moment you leave an SD-affiliated server needed to conduct duties, you have done a dishonorable discharge. This also includes if you got your application accepted a while ago but didn't accept the invite.
Military Police FAQ
Are Enlisted Constables considered official members of the Military Police?
Yes. Enlisted Constables are considered official members, although the position is mostly informational, meaning that you'll be expected to familiarize yourself with guidelines and attend Military Police events. Enlisted Constables do have an exile period should they not rank up in time.
I want to join a detachment, but I can't decide between the Military Police or Security Response Unit. Which should I join?
Something very important to note about the Military Police is that you will not be performing combat very often. You will have radically different duties compared to base Security Department members. If you're looking for a lot of action and like the duties of base Security Department personnel, the Security Response Unit will give you that and extra.
I keep failing the Military Police Inductions Process, but I don't know why. How do I improve?
For the most part, Military Police High Command advises you ask questions as much as possible and actually research the questions. Knowing what you're doing beforehand will help you when actually doing the induction process.
Security Response Unit FAQ
When am I able to join SRU?
You're able to join the detachment when you receive the rank of Security Junior or above. If you manage to enter the detachment at the rank of Junior though, you are required to obtain the rank of Security Guard eventually.
What do SRU Tryouts hold and how can I enter them?
Currently, all contents within SRU Tryouts are classified. As for how to join them, you'll have to join the SRU Proving Grounds server, which you'll have to complete an interest form to receive the proper role within the Proving Grounds server.
What is the Security Response Unit?
The Security Response Unit or S.R.U/SRU is the main detachment that deals with Riots, Hostages, and sometimes protests. Think of them as SWAT.